The Final Fall Into Depravity – New York Dolls Play Warwick

“Yes dahhhlings they’re here. Divinely decadent, superbly sexy, long, lean and licentious – dig this if you can”

Two great plugs for the Dolls in the Warwick Boar, University of Warwick’s student rag, for their show on November 22, 1973 . . .

Given that the text mentions Billy I’d bet it is cribbed from somewhere or other, but it is great advertising copy regardless . . . Below, an editorial from the the same issue draws a parallel between the Dolls and George Melly, which I for one full approve of. . . an encouragement to moral laxity. Let the debauchery begin

Well, did Bert Jansch turn up?

Lesson #2: How to piss off progressive rock fans